Wednesday, June 5, 2013

♡ Wednesday Wishlist! ♡

Hi everyone! I wanted to start Wednesday Wishlist!! Sharing things that I'm wanting to try, that way if you have tried any of them, you can tell me how it is! And you can tell me your 'wishlist' and I can tell you if I've tried it! We can help each other out. I'm personally very excited for this! Here's my wishlist!

Devita SPF 30 Moisturizer

Rainwater Botanicals- Face and Body Lotion with Sea Buckthorn and Hibiscus

Tangerine Grapefruit Lip Balm

Sweet Almond Soap

The All Natural Face Magic Vegan Eye Primer

Warm Honey Eyeshadow

Vitamin D Gummies- Yes I wish for vitamin D! It's great for your skin and a ton of other things.

That's gonna be all for this post, but let me know how you like these, if you do, you'll see another Wednesday Wishlist next week. :)

Have you tried any of these? What do you think?

XX -Taylor


  1. You have some great items on your wishlist!

    Sita xx

    1. Thanks, haven't tried any have ya? :)

      XX -Taylor

    2. I have the Magic primer and warm honey shadow from the all natural face. I love both. The warm honey shadow doesn't spread as easily as some other natural vegan loose shadows-in my opinion. But it's a lovely color. One of my faves.
      As for the D3... we have drops that taste like oranges and we love them. I bet the gummies are good, too!

    3. Oh that's great! :) Yeah I have the Vitamin C gummies, I've had the vitamin D ones but I want to get some more. :)
