Thursday, February 6, 2014

♡ Raw Challenge ♡

You may know I've been doing a few 'raw' themed posts and videos lately. So I wanted to just share how I'm trying to eat more raw.
I can't afford to eat fully raw, although I would like to try it sometime. So I'm trying to eat 70 to 80% raw. It's actually going pretty well.
In the morning I normally have a breakfast like this- My go to raw breakfast.
For lunch I sometimes have a salad.
And even for dinner I'll sometimes have a smoothie or a fruit bowl.

Go to snacks are fruits and salads, those are the easiest for me. I love bananas, apples, oranges, and berries.

I'm manly just trying my best to stay away from packaged things and sugars. I still have a few cheat things but I'm trying to decrease them more.
The more raw I eat and the more water I drink, the better I feel and the better my skin looks as well. 
Already I have seen changes in my skin. It's more even, more glowy, less red and irritated and less breakouts. 

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