Saturday, May 3, 2014

Drinks, Food, My Life

Hey there everyone! I thought I'd start doing vlog posts... Just like a vlog- my life- but in a blog post... Let me know what you think.

 Last week we went to the park, the top picture was my snack and the way home.
One night we had a veggie night that I cooked, I love having all veggies and fruit (accept for the rice ;)) for dinner. I feel pretty healthy :)

 One morning I made a breakfast bowl with rice (I really don't eat rice as often as it seems haha), eggs, tomato and lettuce. 

Lately (past month or more, pretty much since getting better from having mono) I've been doing a lot more exercise, nothing crazy. a lot of yoga, walking, a little jogging, some dancing, stuff like that... Anyway, it's made my metabolism crazy! I eat so much more right now and I feel like a pig! But I'm working most everything off...even though I haven't made all the best choices for food :P
 ...Such as these cupcakes hahaha... These were SUCH a fail! Everything about them has lemon in it but the cakes themself didn't cook right, the bottom half cooked like a crust while the top half stayed more like a custard. My buttercream icing turned out a little gritty looking, and my "lemon curd" was a drizzle haha... the taste was nice for the first day but them the crust dried out too much. Overall a cupcake FAIL! 

 I ALWAYS seem to have a drink or two in my hand, and I love using my Starbucks cup because it's huge haha.. Here I made some Twinings raspberry pomegranate herbal tea with some frozen raspberries in my ice cubes. This is one of my favorite teas right now....or ever ;)

 I wanted to find a good DIY iced latte I could make myself to save some money and I found this one on Pinterest and it's AMAZING!! I added twice the sweetener it calls for haha..Plus I added cool ship on top.

 And just yesterday morning I made a pineapple smoothie and banana chocolate chip muffins which were great! (I used peanut butter in place of almond butter)  Another Pinterest find, that's gotta be one of the best websites ever!

I've been working a lot this week and actually going to the gym some, the shopping center I work in is having a fitness challenge so we get 3 weeks of free membership! I took a Zumba class on monday! That was really fun, even though me feet can't keep up with the latin moves it was a great workout. And a couple of days ago I did 2 yoga classes....which I didn't enjoy as much as the Zumba. It's funny because I do yoga almost every day at home... But mine isn't as...slow I guess. I'm most fast with it.. but I felt like in the yoga class I wasn't getting as much done.. I like to add a little cardio and strength workouts to my yoga while listening to Kingsfoil so maybe that was it haha. 

I'm gonna try to stock up on posts and vlogs since I always seem to be so busy.. I've been vlogging I just haven't had time to edit :P Let me know how you like these posts!

Stay Natural,

1 comment:

  1. Lot's of yummy food, glad you are starting to get better, mono is horrid! Xx
