Wednesday, March 5, 2014

♡ My March Goals ♡

Here are my monthly goals for March!

1. Spending limit of $30- This is all I'm allowing myself for things other than food (green beauty products, clothes, books, ect.)

2. Saving goal of $50- I not only want to be not spending money but I also want to make sure I'm putting money in savings too.

3. Exercise 3 times a week- I want to focus on doing walking and yoga for the tummy and waist.

4. Stick to eating 80% raw- As you saw in my skin update, I was pretty bad one week with eating sugar, dairy, and packaged food and it affected my skin greatly. The more raw I eat, the better my skin looks. 


  1. Great goals! I think that I am going to do something similar for April!
