Saturday, February 1, 2014

#NoBuyJanuary Completed

Well No Buy January is completed! I did good, I didn't buy anything I didn't need. When I do these no buying months it's not a huge thing for me.. I go months with out buying things that aren't needed sometimes anyway. I like to think I keep my stash of products pretty low. I really only like to keep what I use.
I actually tossed some non natural makeup in the trash today since I still haven't gotten around to purchasing some green makeup yet. Now I have no choice but to switch over and just get it over with. I keep myself pretty tight on money so I've been avoiding it haha.. But thanks to all the lovely makeup brands in my Natural Brands to try in 2014 it shouldn't be too bad. I do have a ton of empties from December and January to show you all soon.

How did you do with your no buy January if you did it?

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